Welcome to Flancia!

I always assumed that, when people dedicated their work, they all first finished the thing and then wrote the dedication. That would mean dedicating the (say) book as a finished object, something concrete that one has compiled or created and can then be offered with few reservations.

Belatedly I’ve come to realize I’m not that kind of person, so I find myself dedicating a draft instead. Writing these lines as I write them now means dedicating a set of ideas first, and my clumsy implementation of these ideas second — the latter amounting currently to little more than well meaning aspirations.

It seems appropriate, then, to dedicate this fuzzy set of ideas and aspirations to a fuzzily defined group instead of a concrete list of individuals.

To my friends.

May you be happy!

Flancia is a work of speculative fiction and associated praxis in the space of protopias. It is by its very nature an eternal draft. Please excuse the many mistakes.

Feel free to play hopscotch!

0 — Meta

1 — Manifesto, or towards Flancia

2 — In Flancia there is an Agora

3 — In Flancia there is no poverty

4 — In Flancia there is no privilege

5 — In Flancia we will one day meet

6 — In Flancia we share clear goals

7 — Open Letter to the Agora

8 — In Flancia we will build

9 — You can also visit the mines (as I call my old blog)

10 — See a list of other Projects

11 — Consider joining Flancia Meet some day!

Look, an Agora!